Researching and Visiting:
Researching and visiting post-secondary options in order to identify the right choices for you is an important part of the post-secondary planning process.
Lenape's administration supports this process by excusing three absences during junior year and three absences during senior year with documentation of visits to post-secondary institution.
Lenape Valley hosts two mini-college fairs during the school day in September and March.
Or attend some of the state and national college fairs offered throughout the year. Consider scheduling a campus tour on the websites or attend an open house at the post-secondary institutions of interest.
Naviance :
Seniors use their Naviance account submit their school-based records (transcripts, letters of rec, etc.) to colleges and other post-secondary programs. The Senior Kick Off Packet directs students to complete tasks in Naviance, such as data entering their colleges, syncing Naviance to their Common Application accounts, facilitating their teacher letters of recommendations, and submitting their school records to colleges.
Naviance Website- Log into Naviance and visit the Naviance Help Center to access video tutorials!
Naviance tutorial:
Naviance Help Center Video Tutorial:
Naviance Student Overview and Tour Video Tutorial:
The Student Journey in Naviance Student Video Tutorial:
Naviance Road Trip Nation Interview Archive Video Tutorial:
Naviance How To Career Search Video Tutorial:
Naviance Strengths Explorer Assessment Video Tutorial:
Occupational Outlook Handbook to research careers
Senior Parent Programs:
This PowerPoint presentation provides information to parents to support students in coordinating their post-secondary plans for next year.
Senior Parent Program- Fall Power Point Presentation updated 9/2024
College Planning Calendar: Use this calendar to manage your college search and application process.
Presenter Contact Information: Diane Pienta-Lett, Director of Financial Aid
Sussex County Community College, One College Hill Road, Newton, NJ 07860
Phone: 973-300-2226 Fax: 973-300-2224
SCCC FAFSA WORKSHOP Free and Available to All- Click here to receive information and sign up for the FAFSA Workshop
Senior Survival Guide:
This packet provides information to seniors regarding applications to post-secondary placements, especially colleges. Students are encouraged to begin senior year having researched their options and ready to apply.
Senior Survival Guide- Kick Off- Fall Packet and Forms (Updated 9/2024)
Transcript Release Form to authorize the release of records to post-secondary institutions, such as the transcript, letters of recommendation, etc.
Common Application or Coalition Application:
These applications are a each a separate single undergraduate application that can be used to apply to hundreds of member institutions. If your selected colleges accept Common Application or Coalition Application, click on the link to create an account, complete an application, and submit!
Common Application website:
Common Application First Year Student Directions:
Common Application Transfer Student Directions (for alumni):
Post-Secondary Options for Students with Learning Disabilities:
Post-secondary institutions have varying degrees of disability support programs. The attached list are a few of the options available to students who wish to receive services in colleges.
Think College Website: The Think College website is a trusted source for information, training, and resources related to inclusive higher education for students with intellectual disability.
Sussex County Community College Disability Support Program Application and SCCC College Application
County College of Morris Disability Support Program Application and CCM College Application

LVHS Financial Aid Presentation by Diane Pienta-Lett of Sussex County Community College
Financial Aid Presentation- Financial Aid 101 PPT 10/15/2024
Financial Aid Presentation Notes
Cost of College: How much will you pay for your child's education? Use these tools to provide your personal information and receive a relatively accurate projected cost for your child at a specified post-secondary program.
College Board Net Price Calculator
U.S. Department of Education College Affordability and Transparency Center
Institutional-Based Merit Scholarships: Most colleges will automatically consider a student for merit (or academic) scholarships based on their application for admission. Most colleges will automatically consider a student for merit (or academic) scholarships based on their application for admission.
Financial Aid: Financial aid (need-based aid) is applied for by completing the FAFSA. Questions about need-based aid are best directed to your accountant or The Higher Education Student Assistance Authority (HESAA). Directions for completing the FAFSA can also be found on the HESAA website.
HESAA Student Loan Guide (updated 10/2023)
HESAA Reach Higher Guide (updated 10/2023)
HESAA Going to College in New Jersey Publication (updated 10/2023)
Fair Opportunity Project- Guide for Financial Aid
Financial Aid for UNDOCUMENTED Students
File the FAFSA here -
HESAA NJ FAFSA DAYS Free and Available to All- Click here to schedule a webinar for helping completing the FAFSA
HESAA FAFSA CONSULTATION (one-on-one) - Free one-on-one FAFSA consultation with a financial aid expert. Schedule an appointment using this link:
SCCC FAFSA WORKSHOP Free and Available to All- Click here to receive information and sign up for SCCC's FAFSA Workshop
Smart Future Financial Aid Initiative- Free and Paid Services
Navigating Financial Aid virtual presentation -
College Funding Alternatives, Inc - Free Consulation, Paid Services
Financial Aid for Dreamers (DACA):
Visit HESAA and the NJ Alternative Application here:
See directions from HESAA for the NJ Alternative Application here:
Private Scholarships (by application): Many community agencies offer private scholarships which require separate applications. LVHS Guidance Department archive these scholarship applications for student and parent convenience. When applying for a scholarship, students must submit a records request form to Guidance to arrange for the release of transcripts and other supporting documentation.
Discover Student Loans Scholarship
NJ STARS: Scholarship for students in the top 15% of their class and attending the local community college.
Sussex County Community College NJ STARS website link:
County College of Morris NJ STARS website link:
College Entrance Exams (SAT/ACT) : Many post-secondary institutions require entrance exams as a part of a comprehensive application. STUDENTS MUST REGISTER FOR THESE EXAMS AND ISSUE OFFICIAL TEST SCORES TO THE COLLEGES DIRECTLY FROM THE EXAM WEBSITES. Test dates and locations can be found on-line. It is recommended students first sit for an exam in the spring of junior year at least once and then in the fall of senior year again if desired.
Test Prep Resources:
SAT-ACT Prep, Sparta NJ (private business)
College Board- SAT Reasoning Test
Register through the College Board website:
Lenape Valley's CEEB Code 311411
Students with diagnosed disabilities who receive accommodations in school through either an IEP, 504 Plan, or Health Plan may apply to the College Board to determine if they qualify for accommodations on tests offered through this organization, including AP, SAT Reasoning, and SAT Subject Tests. Please review the attached forms and contact the student's guidance counselor or case manager with questions.
Services for Students with Disabilities Consent Form for Accommodations Request
Services for Students with Disabilities Application for Temporary Physical/Medical Conditions

Register through the ACT website:
Students with diagnosed disabilities who receive accommodations in school through either an IEP, 504 Plan, or Health Plan may apply to the American College Test Organization to determine if they qualify for accommodations on tests offered through this organization, including ACT. Please review the attached forms and contact the student's guidance counselor or case manager with questions.
The ACT Consent to Release Information to apply for accommodations

Students who aspire to compete in Division I and II college athletics must be found eligible by the National Collegiate Athletic Association or NCAA Eligibility Clearinghouse. STUDENTS MUST COMPLETE A PROFILE ON THE NCAA WEBSITE, ARRANGE FOR A HIGH SCHOOL TRANSCRIPT TO BE ISSUED, AND ISSUE THEIR SAT/ACT SCORES FROM THE OFFICIAL TEST WEBSITES.
Students who aspire to compete in Division III college athletics or club athletics DO NOT need to register with the NCAA.
NCAA Eligibility Frequently Asked Questions
NCAA Eligibility Center Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete
NCAA Eligibility Center Guide for Two Year Transfers
NCAA Eligibility Center Guide for High School Guidance Counselors
For more information, please:
Review Sussex County Community Colleges Career & Technical Programs
Visit the YTTW website and linked program information:
NJ Sate Building & Construction Trades Council
77 Brant Avenue, Suite 102Clark, NJ 07066 Transition To Work- Apprenticeship Program Information
Search Naviance and the internet for information about well-paying, in demand, skilled trades and vocations.
Review this brochure that lists Post-Secondary Educational Institutions that provide work training, certificate programs, and associate degree programs.
Electrical Unions
New Brunswick-
Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors Association- Plumbing & HVAC Apprenticeship Program
Local 68: Facility Maintenance Education opportunities
Construction Industry Career Day Information:
Construction Careers Quick Facts & Architecture and Construction Information
Roofers Pamphlet
Roofers Apprenticeship Information
Sheet Metal Workers Pamphlet
Local Military Representatives:
Air Force: Air Force Recruiting Office, 31 Newton-Sparta Road, Suite 4, Newton, NJ 07860
Office Phone 609-500-9234
TSgt Joseph Church
U.S. Army: US Army Recruiting Center, 31 Newton-Sparta Road, Suite 4, Newton, NJ 07860
Office Phone 973-383-9933 Office Fax 973-383-5944
SSG Matthew Consenza 732-300-0829
Marines: US Marine Corps Recruiting Station, 179 Route 46 West, Rockaway, NJ 07866
Office Phone 973-983-2594 Office Fax 973-983-0359
Sgt Brandon Ross 908-433-3807
NJ National Guard: 10 Munsonhurst Road, Franklin, NJ 07416
Office Phone 973-897-7389
SSgt Christoher Buttel 862-268-5253
Navy: Navy Recruiting Station, 31 Newton-Sparta Road, Suite 4, Newton, NJ 07860
Office Phone: 973-303-2323
ETNZ Tyler Redelsheimer 973-868-1505
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires local educational agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance under ESEA, upon request, to provide certain student information to military recruiters, institutions of higher education, and/or prospective employers. The school must provide this information unless a parent or the adult student (age 18 or over) has “opted out” of disclosing such information. Parents and students may "opt out" by completing the electronic form in Genesis Parent Portal or completing and submitting the Military Opt Out Form linked here before October 1 of the school year.
Lenape Valley Regional High School has articulated with colleges and universities to allow for certain high school courses to be offered in a concurrent format. In reviewing Lenape Valley’s curricula and instructors, the college or university has certified that the course work and rigor of the high school courses match those of college level courses. Students enrolled in courses identified as concurrent have the option to earn college credit by simultaneously enrolling through the college or university for the course being taught at the high school. Currently, Lenape Valley has concurrent relationships with Sussex County Community College, Syracuse University, and Rider University. Courses offered concurrently are identified in the course description. Review the Program of Studies on the Registration and Scheduling Tab for more information about concurrent courses offered at LVHS.

Jump Start / Challenger
Opportunities to enroll in college courses are also offered by CCM & SCCC, but are not affiliated specifically with Lenape Valley. This means that students will earn credits on a community college transcript, but the credits will not transfer to Lenape Valley. The college course may be considered as satisfying pre-requisites so as to allow Lenape Valley student to accelerate their studies in high school. For example, a student who has enrolled in Spanish 1 as a Freshman at Lenape Valley may enroll in Spanish 2 at the community college and then enroll in Spanish 3 during their sophomore year. While the student will not receive credit at Lenape Valley, this option will enable the student to earn college credits and accelerate their course sequence at LVHS. Interested students should apply directly to the community college and submit a college transcript to Lenape Valley upon completion of the course. These courses may additionally transfer to future colleges.
Sussex County Community College (Stanhope & Byram residents):
County College of Morris
(Netcong residents):
Advanced Placement
The College Board hosts Advanced Placement (AP) courses , which are college-level classes that you take while you are still completing your high school degree. The courses will follow the same schedule as your high school. AP courses prepare students for AP ® exams, which are college-level exams on specific subjects and are administered in May upon the completion of an AP course taken at a student's high school. At many colleges and universities, a high enough score will earn the student college credit. In some instances, earning college credit can mean an overall lower college tuition bill. Review the Program of Studies on the Registration and Scheduling Tab for more information about AP courses offered at LVHS.